Thursday, May 3, 2012

Puppies and kitties and snack.

My niece Naney will be 3 in August. I am making her a dress for her birthday. The dress I made for her here is the test run. I wanted to make a practice one  to check for fit. Now I have between now and August to make the real one :) 
I was in line to checkout  at Hancock's and saw this fabric. I actually got out of line  to get this for her because it  just screams happy dog and cat  loving 3 year old.  I bought a half yard of the animal print and the  co-ordinating stripe. I didn't know what I was going to do with them, I just knew she needed something made of this fabric.  I decided to use it for a test run of her birthday dress. The fabric was $8.99 yd but was half price. 
 I am basing it off of this pattern available free  Olivia's Best Dress. I didn't do the striped skirt as they have on the website as I am working with just two fabrics.  The pattern on the site is a 4-5.  Naney's mom asked for her dress  to be a bit bigger so who could wear it longer, so that is why  I  made a 4/5 even though she is  not yet 3. 

Dress front.
I love these fabrics. I love the little kitties mixed with the pups. On the stripe is says woof  meow and has little paw prints and fish bones mixed in. 

I found a ribbon at Michael's for $1 that matched so perfectly! I covered the seam lines where the flat panels met the gathers.  

Does that  dachsund look cross eyed to you or is it just me... ?
I used a decorative stitch  around the neckline for some fun.  Topstitching, be it in a decorative stitch or a straight stitch helps to keep the neckline in better shape when wearing. I also think that  it  makes sure it comes out of the dryer in the shape that it needs to be, so that cuts down on ironing.  Naney's mommy is a teacher. With a two year old. Does she have time to iron ?  nooooo. So the extra line of stitching makes it easier to keep the dress looking good with minimal effort. 

The back of the dress

I used my machine and made a label. Even though the dress is a 4, I labeled it 3t because she can wear it now, at three years old. I put the year and my initials. This way if it gets passed down, you know what size it is. 

 This is a close-up of the inside lining where it  is hand slipstitched  to the dress.  I have taught a couple of lessons on this recently so I thought my students might like to see it- slipstitching in action! :)

The fabrics are
 Purrfect Barking Patch

I took Naney's picutre so I could come back home and look at them and see what I needed to change for her birthday dress.  Sometimes that is easier because kids don't want to stand there while you look and pinch fabric and think. 
Me: "Naney, can I take your picture?"
Naney: "Yes."
Me:"Without the bowl of puffs?"
Naney: "No."
My baby is 9 now and  I had forgotten the First Rule of Toddler Land:
Never let go of your  snack.  Ever.  For any reason. 

 Looking at these pictures I see what needs to be changed. On the next version, I will pull in the back seam at the neckline and lower the armscye.  The width of the dress is fine, length can be longer, if I want.

Karen, Naneys mom, had a pair of aqua leggings that match the dress perfect! My mom in law also bought a pair of white shorts and I am going to add a cuff or ruffle on the bottom edge.  I have a small square of the stripe leftover. This fabric is great because she can put just about any color shirt, shorts, leggings anything underneath and they will match. 
Measuring little ones can be challenging. My suggestion is if you can, do it while they are asleep. I am  not kidding.
Little ones do not like to try on clothes. Fittings are just a joke. Try to get the garment on them if you can and take pictures.  Even my 9 year old gets a little whiny during fittings.
Sometimes you get this :) :

 or this :) :

This dress is very easy to put together and  went pretty fast. The real version will have many different fabrics in the skirt.

Naney seemed to really like the dress. I got this indication from the fact that she did not immediately take it off. 

Me: "Naney can I have a puff?"
Naney: "Ok,"  
And then she  ran away. 
The end. 

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