This summer I introduced embroidery to my younger students, the 8-12 year olds.
In past lessons, a couple of them had mentioned that they didn't like hand sewing. Can you believe it? They said that- to me? So after I heard that, guess what I planned? A summer of hand sewing! I thought summer would be a good time to do this as they would have some extra time around the house and be able to to it at home- not just in lesson. I use embroidery to teach hand sewing skills because it really encompasses it all: threading a needle, tying knots in the end of the thread, sewing and keeping the thread in the needle, making the needle go in and come up where you want, tying off at the end, etc. Plus is is fun to sew pictures in thread on stuff.
I set each girl up with a hoop. fabric, embroidery needle & thread. I used a dressmakers tracing wheel and pattern tracing paper to transfer straight lines on to practice fabric. Then we learned the running stitch, back stitch, stem stitch and chain stitch.
We started out on muslin for practicing. We ended the project with embroidering on a t shirt that they could wear to school. Kayla even did one more project and made a bib for her soon to be born cousin!
Here are some of the girls learning how and also some finished projects!
Madi and Eden Eden is teaching her friend Madison how to embroider. |
Nina |
Nina is using a stem stitch to outline her scotties
Izzy |
Izzy is working on the chain stitch. |
Isn't this just the cutest thing ever? |
Kayla made a bib for her son to be cousin. He is a boy and so she designed a bib with an outer space theme.
Kayla really took to the embroidery. She was the main one saying she didn't like hand sewing. She admitted to me this morning, it isn't so bad. :) She is even planning to incorporate embroidery into her christmas presents!
We used some iron on transfers from Sublime Stitching for our images.
This alien is absolutely adorable. Look at her perfect stitches! This could not possibly be any cuter!
We had a hurricane here in August. We lost power in the morning on the first day and were without it for 6 days. Eden and I sat in front of the window and embroidered. A lot. There really wasn't much else to do! She worked on a pair of birds.
Here she is working on her birds during the hurricane.These are her finished birds. I am so proud of my darlin'- these look incredible! We are going to frame these and hang them in the dining room. She worked very hard at getting her stitches to look like feathers.
This last project is mine! :) I saw this in a catalogue for way too much money so I made my own- I think I am going to make a pillow cover out of it. The moon and witch are appliques. In the catalogue it was framed but I think a pillow would be much more fun.
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