Sunday, June 5, 2011

Eden's Summer Dress McCalls 6067

Summer! It's almost here! I see hours of beach time and fancy drinks with umbrellas in them. My daughter and her friends will play in co-ordinated beachwear, like a J Crew catalog photo. My friends and I will smile graciously down upon our darling offspring in our color coordinated suits as we delicately sip our drinks, discussing politics and the best years for our favorite wines.

Eh- who am I kidding ? :) It is going to be hours of sprinkler time and our drinks will probably be wine from a box. Mixed with fruit if a miracle happens and one of us gets our act together and cuts up fruit to put in the wine. We will most likely be discussing RHONJ and what we can make for dinner that doesn't require any effort or actual cooking. All of this will be accompanied by the aroma of bug-spray.

Ahhhh summer. Sweet Off scented summer.

I made Eden a summer dress last year. Each year I make a couple of dresses for her to wear for the season- nice cool cotton dresses that don't require any ironing- just pull from the dryer and slip over her head as we race off to whatever adventure we we have come up with.

Last year she chose this pattern view C:

It looks wonderfully comfortable. We both thought it would be perfect for the family trip to the Nags Head, NC. Ya know when you get back from a wonderful day at the beach, you take a shower and you just want to put on something soft and comfy? This dress is just perfect.
She picked out a cute cotton in a lovely aqua blue that matches her eyes with butterflies on it- and flowery lace trims. I love her to take part in the planning of her clothes. It gets her in the habit of thinking about a project before starting it.

Up until last summer, I could just measure her and make her clothes. No muslin required. It was awesome! I could just cut, sew and put it on her and it fit. I made this dress according to her measurements, put it on her and it was a tad too big. Eden FREAKS when clothing is too big. So she refused to wear it. So I said FINE! and hung it up in her closet to wait a year. The pattern has a bit of ease in it and though I thought it was just right, she felt it was too roomy. I brought it back out a week or so ago for her to try on and she now feels it fits her perfectly.

Now whenever I make her something, I am making a quick muslin to check the size. My baby is so big! She has to be fitted now!

Here is my shy little princess that I coaxed and persuaded to model for me.
No, not really. I said "Hey, lets go out and take pictures of you in your blue dress", and then there was a giant boom of the sound barrier being broken in her rush to get outside.

The back is lovely. She loves the tie at the neck. My only issue with the dress is that I made it according to the pattern and I have to say , the finished zipper didn't thrill me. It is too exposed. I need to put a hook at the top, that might solve the problem. She has on her nice shoes as we were going out to dinner but I see flip flops in the future.

Even though it is a halter top, she is pretty well covered up. The sides go high so she isn't showing any side ribcage.

I am going to totally steal the format from Pattern and fill in the rest of the details about this pattern:

McCalls 6067

GIRLS' AND GIRLS' PLUS DRESSES IN TWO LENGTHS: Dresses A, B, C with midriff and gathered skirt with back zipper closing; dress A has neck casing; dress B has drawstring neckline; dress C has extended ties and trim; dresses A, B lengths are above mid-knee; dress C length is below ankle.
NOTIONS: Dress A − 20" Zipper, 1 Yd. of 1/2" Elastic, Hooks and Eyes; Dress B, C − 12" Zipper, 3/4 Yd. of 1/4" Elastic, Hooks and Eyes; Dress C - also 11/4 Yds. of Approximately 3/8" Trim and 11/4 Yds. of Approximately 13/4" Trim.
SUGGESTED FABRICS: Lightweight Broadcloth • Lightweight Poplin • Lightweight Piqué. Additional Fabric may be needed to match stripes, plaids or one-way design fabric.
Pattern Sizing:
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Were the instructions easy to follow?
very easy.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
I did not like the zipper. I think next time I would try to use an invisible zipper as at the top of the dress, the elastic on either side of the zipper seem to pull it apart. I liked how easy the top was to assemble.
Fabric Used:
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made:
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?
yes yes

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